Acronym for Independent Integration Systems Engineering

Independent Integration Systems Engineering (XSEis an interdisciplinary managerial and socio-technical approach to systems engineering with the objective of promoting positive personal strength and independence of the human as a constructively empowered individual and then collectively on the global level through integration of the human, beginning with independent integration and, depending on the system being developed, advancing throughout the 7 spheres of integration, by first extending that integration into their property and immediate environment, local, national, global, and even beyond. Empowered by 7 domains of study, the foundation is established for maximizing the use of technology to achieve feats which otherwise would be considered humanly impossible, without jeopardizing the dignity or freedom of the human, culminating in an ultimate goal of global peace founded in independent strength and integrity. XSE is a method of engineering or re-engineering systems that can be used from inception, to design, development, production, operation and maintenance. XSE’s ultimate goal is independent integration (integrity) of the individual (to whatever level of human involvement is present within the system) and in order to cater to that purpose, XSE integrates into its system design elements natural hardware to maximally advanced hardware and sophisticated software throughout systems engineering and management activities across the life cycle of a system. XSE uses the following domains of study:

  1. Law
  2. Psychology
  3. Biology & Applicable Sciences
  4. Human Factors Engineering
  5. Environmental & Occupational Safety & Health
  6. TrainingManpower & Personnel
  7. Survivability & Habitability