XSE Power Coaching: Coaching beyond fitness. Coaching for Life. YOUR LIFE.

Program Overview

This program combines Independent Integration Systems Engineering (XSE) principles to guide individuals through a journey of personal advancement. It’s holistic, customizable, and driven by science-backed facts, to help users arrive at their desired results across fitness, nutrition, career, relationships, and more.

1. Initial Assessment (Intake of the System of Interest (SOI), You)

  • Objective: To evaluate the starting point in terms of physical health, mental focus, emotional well-being, and life satisfaction. This acts as the foundational analysis of the personal system of interest (SOI).
  • Tools:
    • Health and fitness assessments (weight, strength, endurance, flexibility, etc.).
    • Nutritional analysis (daily intake, food preferences, dietary restrictions).
    • Mental and emotional well-being questionnaire.
    • Life balance assessment (career, relationships, personal goals, etc.).
    • Sleep quality analysis.

Outcome: Identify key inputs (habits, relationships, food, sleep, etc.) that affect outputs (health, happiness, career satisfaction) and set a baseline.

2. Intake of X Systems Engineering by the System of Interest (SOI), You

  • Objective: For You to understand your role as a Pilot Systems Engineer of yourself as the SOI. This is the time to ask any questions that you may have and get a good idea of what XSE Power Coaching can add to your life, and how to maximize its potential effects. 
  • Tools:
    • Review this website
    • Use XSE Flight
    • Review XSE.world
    • Choose what tracking tools you will use
    • Luxxacation as the top level synopsis of XSE
    • Grasp the key and look at the XSE Peak

Outcome: Identify the largest hurdle or barrier in your life, and decide if you want to overcome it. Replace it with something positive and completely opposite that you want implemented in your life.

Assignment: Study Desired Results and Lasting Happiness. Refine a schedule in writing for the next week with stipulated changes in diet, exercise, attitude, mental focus, intellectual advancement, sleep, mentality, and gratitude. Start Tracking.

3. Identify, Resolve, and Decide on Desired Results and Long-Term Goals

  • Objective: To clearly identify current desires and their potential outcomes and how those desires may be in conflict with other long-term desired results in various areas of life—fitness, nutrition, career, relationships, etc., 
  • Learning Resources:
  1. Complexity of the Cyber Age
  2. Luxury in the Cyber Age
  3. Independent Integration Systems Engineering
  4. Independent Integration 
  5. XSE Introduction
  6. The XSE Method
  • Approach:
    • For the Body: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals related to fitness, nutrition, and overall physical health.
    • For the Mind: Identify educational or mental growth goals (e.g., enrolling in online courses like Coursera, or committing to brain exercises).
    • For the Spirit: Set personal development goals around positivity, gratitude, kindness, and relationships.

Outcome: Create a vision of success based on the life goals and well-being objectives. 

This Fourth Stage lasts 4-6 weeks (depending on starting point compared to desired results) and sets the motion of Luxxacation (the “torque of XSE”) into full speed. Each of the 3 Elements of this top-level synopsis are repeated iteratively, and each time are practiced with more precision, refinement, and customization for the individual.

1st Element: Take Time- Using Critical & Creative Thinking to Arrive at Optimal Decisions

This Element focuses on the essentials of the brain work that is necessary to understand and be able to perform functional analysis of XSE. The 3 Micro-Elements of the 1st Element will be mastered.

    • Introduce mindfulness and reflection practices.
    • Start to track and record habits, moods, and energy levels.
    • Begin light physical activity (if sedentary) to gauge starting fitness level.
    • Assess current relationships and mindset (focusing on gratitude and positivity).
    • The importance of sleep, physical exercise, nutrition, and mental and spiritual needs being met are explored.
Learning Resources: These subjects will be delved into and applied throughout the weeks:
  • Logic, the forgotten domain
  • The Integration of Meditation and Critical Thinking
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Emotions
  • The XSE Axiomatic System
  • Reverse Engineering

Outcome: Greater self-awareness of habits, challenges, and strengths.

2nd Element: Build Strength- Application of Optimal Choices

This Element is designed to maximize the ability to follow through with the best choices arrived at in the previous element. Applicable additional resources (mental (intellectual augmentation), nutritional (suppliments, etc), physical (personal training techniques), etc. are continually adjusted and incorporated into the regimen.

    • For the Body:
      • Begin a progressive fitness routine (cardio, strength training, flexibility) based on goals and current fitness level.
      • Recommend nutrition improvements (avoiding processed foods, focusing on whole foods).
    • For the Mind:
      • Incorporate brain exercises, learning platforms, or meditation techniques to improve focus and mental clarity.
    • For the Spirit:
      • Gratitude to foster a positive spirit.
      • Seeking the Ultimate and Authentic 
      • Introduce breathing techniques for stress management (e.g., 4-7-8 breathing).

Outcome: Consistency in new healthy habits, physical improvement, and emotional balance.

3rd Element: Rise Above- Seek Ultimate and Authentic Resources

This Element Focuses on the Integration of the Spirit with the system as a whole and the effects it has on the well-being of an individual and vice-versa

    • For the Body:
      • Tailor fitness routines to include more challenging goals (if advanced) or a focus on long-term sustainability.
      • Refine nutrition choices based on body responses (tracking energy levels, performance improvements).
    • For the Mind:
      • Continue with lifelong learning and intellectual challenges (courses, brain games).
    • For the Spirit:
      • Focus on deeper relationship building, embracing differences, and increasing emotional resilience.

Learning Resources:

  1. Even the Military Acknowledges the Spirit
  2. The XSE Vantage Point
  3. The Fourth Dimension
  4. More Than What Meets the Eye
  5. Investigation: The Value of Truth

Outcome: Habit mastery and continued progression across all life systems (body, mind, spirit).

This last stage can last indefinitely if desired (optimization and habit solidification)

  • Objective: At this stage, individuals gain the ability to step back and view their life system holistically, evaluating how their inputs (choices, habits, relationships) are producing their outputs (health, happiness, fulfillment).
  • Learning Resources:
  1. Empowered by Purpose
  2. Morale: the Collective Spirit
  3. Penetrating Courage
  4. The Era of the Epithereal
  • Tools:
    • Monthly check-ins for reassessment.
    • Continued goal setting and reflection.
    • Evaluation of career and life satisfaction, encouraging the individual to remain adaptable and pursue lifelong growth.

Outcome: Long-term optimization and a mindset of continuous improvement, leveraging systems thinking to refine inputs and achieve better outputs.

Mind, Body, Spirit Integration

  • For the Body: Prioritize regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and quality sleep.
  • For the Mind: Foster lifelong learning, mental clarity, and emotional intelligence through education, brain exercises, and meditation.
  • For the Spirit: Cultivate gratitude, kindness, and positivity, helping individuals embrace humanity’s shared experiences and appreciate differences.

Reminders and Encouragement

  • Self-Care Benefits: By caring for yourself—through sleep, exercise, nutrition, and joy—you are better equipped to care for others and foster authentic and lasting relationships built on love and patience.
  • Gratitude: Promote unity and compassion, helping people understand that a spirit of positivity can create deeper connections and greater fulfillment in life.


  • Apps/Platforms: Fitness trackers, meditation apps (e.g., Headspace), and learning platforms (e.g., Coursera).
  • Daily Habits: Habit trackers for sleep, nutrition, and exercise.
  • Books and Podcasts: Recommendations on personal development, health, and well-being.
  • XSE Flight: The AI assistant trained on the methods of Independent Integration Systems Engineering
  • XSE’s official site: delineates Independent Integration Systems Engineering including methods and introduction.
  • Coaching Check-ins: Regular virtual check-ins to track progress and make necessary adjustments.